Karma will take care of itself.
Student Success Statement
"Its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about howto lead your life.
if you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma(good results, destiny, fortune,good
luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you".
Reflection: What do you really want to do in your life? If money were no object, what would you do? Write a novel, travel the world, start your own company? Many of us dismiss such dreams as indulgent fantasies. After all, with so many challenges in the here and now, the idea of dreaming about the future may seem pointless, even decadent.
If that’s been your perspective to date, maybe it’s time you retired it. The fact is, getting a grip on your deepest desires and ambitions is incredibly important. And while the notion of actually building the cabin, getting the degree or launching the record label may seem awfully far off at the moment, the payoff of such dreams doesn’t have to be decades hence. In fact, inspiring ambitions like these can galvanize your focus, rev up your energy supply and increase your life satisfaction starting right now.For a dream to provide fuel for your present-day reality, it can’t be just some random whim or fancy, though. To yield real benefits, the ambition has to be a true reflection of your spirit, your character and your deepest-held values. You can start with a desire for an expensive car, an island paradise or a more shapely physique. But to make your dream work full-time, you must mine beneath that appealing surface.
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